Sunday 25 March 2018

Honnemaradu (Golden Lake)

We have been toying with the idea of going to Honnemaradu for quite sometime. This winter opportunity presented itself when we were invited to a friend's wedding in Sagara. We have been told by the same friend to book well in advance if we wish to take coracle rides or participate in any water-based activities. However, many of Tarun's friends were meeting after a very long time and we already had different plans.

Honnemaradu is at a distance of 35 kilometers from Sagara on the way to Jog Falls. There are hardly any signs directing to Honnemaradu. We were accompanied by two other friends, among them one is local. At Hirimane village we took a diversion towards left. And from then onwards the bumpy, rough, and bone-shaking ride started. Once we reached the place we were asked to sign in a register with names and phone numbers by the caretaker lady. We were told Honnemaradu camp is handled by a group of members who called themselves Adventurers. As we walked through the muddy path we could hear birds chirping and crickets twittering. We were surrounded by the lush greenery, in fact, we were in midst of Western Ghats.

Info: Honnemaradu is a quaint village perched upon the hills in Western Ghats. It is located on the backwaters of Sharavathi river and faces the Linganamakki reservoir. The reservoir covers an area of 50 x 80 kms stretch. The literal meaning of Honnemaradu is Golden Lake (Honnu-Gold; Maradu-Lake) in Kannada. Another opinion is that it got its name from Honne tree (Indian Kino Tree/Malabar Kino) that are densely populated in Karnataka-Kerala region of Western Ghats. We would soon find out what could be the exact reason for this nomenclature. After satiating our photographic itch we found ourselves sitting and gazing endlessly at the sea of blue in perfect stillness. The cool winter breeze ruffled our hair, ebbing away the edginess. In those frozen minutes we could hear absolutely nothing.  It reminded us of Bhadra Bactwaters.

Honnemaradu is also known as birdwatchers paradise. To be in line with its fame we managed to spot one or two birds. We are not birdwatchers, so hardly we could identify any of two. The daylight started dwindling and we had to don our hat of photographers once again. In the golden hour the setting sun was illuminating the lake in golden hue. It looked like we had taken quite sometime there. The caretaker lady came searching for us. She told some people wander off swimming and swimming is strictly prohibited here. We assured her we are not doing anything of that sort. And decided to head back before the night falls as we had to meet people gathered for the wedding.


Route: Bangalore-Tumkur-Tiptur-Kadur-Bhadravati-Shivamogga-Sagara-Honnemaradu

Total Distance: 460 KM

Train: Mysore-Bangalore-Shimoga-Sagara-Talaguppa
Taxis plies from Talaguppa to Honnemaradu
-Reservation needed for overnight stay, with facilities for food, shelter, and equipment rentals
-Sagara is best place to stay if you want to club it with Keladi and Ikkeri or Sigandoor
-Best Season: October-March

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tarun,
    Very well described as this place is not known to many. I guess i have visited this place twice as it is the nearest adventurous getaway to Sagar/Siddapur. Please include contact details/website for reservations, it will help someone :)

    Good Job.. keep updating this blog
